Asphalt Pavement Repair

Asphalt Pavement Repair & Maintenance

Posted on November 5, 2009. Filed under: Asphalt Pavement Repair, Asphalt Repair | Tags: , , , , , , , , |

With more than 2 million miles of asphalt roadways, Asphalt Pavement Repair and Maintenance is essential to the economy of America. United States industry relies on our highways, roads and runways and 94 % of U.S. roads are made from asphalt pavement. Asphalt repair can keep those roadways functioning and thriving.

Asphalt Pavement can last a long time with proper maintenance and repair. The key is to perform asphalt repair and maintenance while the roadway is still in decent condition; before it must be removed and replaced, a time-consuming, costly and environmentally-unfriendly option. With polyurethane repair products asphalt pavement repair is faster, stronger and last longer than any other type of repair.

There are three basic types of asphalt pavement maintenance:
Preventive Maintenance: Designed to improve or extend the functional life of a pavement.
Corrective Maintenance: Performed when a deficiency occurs in the pavement
Emergency Maintenance: Pavement repair is performed during an emergency situation, such as a blowout or severe pothole that must be repaired immediately.

Preventive Maintenance
By fixing damage when it is minimal, whether it be cracks in your asphalt paving driveway or a highway, the breakdown can be halted. Roklin’s Concrete Welder can be used to fill small cracks in your asphalt concrete pavement as soon as they appear.

Sealing cracks can be done simply using Concrete Welder, available in a cartridge format, very similar to a caulking gun. Make sure the crack is clean and free of moisture. Open cartridge and squeeze Concrete Welder directly into the crack. Use a scraper or straight-edge to smooth the material out. Wipe up any excess material and allow to dry for 30 minutes. Now the crack is filled and your asphalt paving repair is complete.
Corrective Maintenance
Asphalt pavement maintenance where there is rutting, or extensive cracking can be done with Roklin’s FloMix.  Make sure area is clean and dry. Clean out with a broom, brush or blower to ensure there is no loose material.  Remove 12-pound bag of topping sand and both “A” and “B” bottles of polymer from the 5-gallon pail and shake both bottles. Add the “A” bottle of polymer to the 5 gallon container of treated sand and mix with a pail mixer for 1 minute or until sand mixture is completely wet. Next, add contents of the “B” bottle and mix thoroughly until FloMix is mixed well. Using a trowel or lute, spread FloMix over the repair area. The outer areas of the repair can be feathered into the existing surface for a smooth finish. Last, broadcast the included topping sand evenly over the repair area. Cure for about an hour in warm climates. In colder areas a catalyst can be included to speed up the cure time.

Emergency Maintenance
Asphalt Paving Repair that is urgent used to be considered a temporary fix. This is no longer the case. Potholes fixed using FloMix last longer and are stronger than the surrounding asphalt. The polyurethane repair is, however, flexible and so it lasts for a very long time without further breakdown. The emergency pavement repair with FloMix is the same as a corrective repair, but with pre-placed aggregate that can be added to your FloMix kit. Clean out the pothole, mix your FloMix, pour it in, smooth it out, top it off with the coated sand and your pothole is fixed.

Concrete Welder and FloMix are available for purchase through the Roklin web site at or call 1-888-FlexSet. Other concrete and asphalt repair materials are also available.

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