Five Costly Mistakes to Avoid During Asphalt Repair

Posted on March 4, 2010. Filed under: Asphalt Repair, Tips | Tags: , , , , , |

Asphalt repair can take a long time but not last for long. Here are the top five mistakes to avoid when repairing asphalt:

The biggest issue in asphalt repair is not adequately drying the surface. Moisture will break up the asphalt and weaken the base, which leads to uneven pavement and more water damage. Small cracks will hold water which will then freeze in cold weather. Since ice expands, the crack then gets larger and allows in more water. The cycle begins and in no time you have a pothole. Cracks that are wider than 1 in. should be repaired the same way you repair a hole. When repairing cracks and potholes with polyurethane products the repair can be compromised because the polyurethanes will react with the water and set up to fast, or even foam.

Another mistake to avoid is not cleaning the surface. Are weeds and grass sprouting from your asphalt driveway? If you don’t do something about the potholes and cracks in the pavement, they’re not going to go away. Again, they will only get worse, especially if you live in a cold climate where ice and freeze/thaw cycles reign. Anything that isn’t removed will increase the damage and prevent adhesion when you do make an asphalt crack repair.

Weather can be a problem when fixing asphalt. Depending on the products you chose when you make your asphalt repairs is as important as how you make them. For cold mix or a chip seal, select a day when the temperature is at least 50 degrees F. The higher the temperature, the easier the sealer is to apply and the faster it dries. If you’re repairing asphalt with polyurethane materials the temperature is not an issue so long as the asphalt repair can be dried. If there’s rain in the 24-hour forecast postpone your asphalt repair.

Underestimating your damage can be costly. Evaluate the damage to your asphalt before you begin. Check your driveway for impressions left by car tires after the car has been parked on the drive overnight. This may mean your base is damaged and the asphalt should be replaced. Puddles, heaving or tilting during cold weather, or buckling or cracking with the spring thaw are signs of poor drainage. This may also be cause for replacement. If you take the band-aid approach and try to do a quick fix it will end up costing you more in the long run.

Another big mistake is not fixing a problem fast enough. A hairline crack can be fixed simply with a polyurethane repair product before the damage advances. The repair is long-lasting and will often halt further damage. If asphalt cracks are left unmanaged they will grow to be a much bigger problem.

Concrete Welder in cartridges for crack repair and FloMix for potholes or more extensive damage  are available for purchase through the Roklin web site at or call 1-888-FlexSet. Other concrete and asphalt repair materials are also available.

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Well… that’s interessting but to be honest i have a hard time determining it… I’m wondering what others have to say….

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